Extreme Skydiver
Felix was never chosen the easy path. All his actions in the air were daring and world premieres. For each and every one of them he was preparing every detail, he was training wildly and he never gave up when it was too hard or almost impossible in the eyes of the others around him.
Many people dream of flying. Felix Baumgarnter made this dream a reality by soaring 35km across the English channel, from Denver to Callais, wearing a fixed carbon wing attached to his back. He completed the mission on July, 31st, 2003.
He was landing on many unexpected places – on the red carpet, in Hollywood, wearing a tuxedo and a black parachute, on the Hannekham slope, for the opening of the event, on a stage, for a rock concert, on a small town center, during a local ceremony or in a black hole, like the Croatian Cave….. He has competed in a “man versus machine” action, in USA, flying next to a plane, he was doing the first test for jumping from the stratosphere, then the second one and, finally , the big one, on October 2012, from over 39 km distance to Earth.
He was born to fly. His tattoo on his left arm is not a gentle reminder to himself :)), but a strong personal belief and the best description of his life plan.